Skincare Advice Archives - Ashley McFarland

Sunscreen: The Ultimate Product for Ageless Skin

Hey there, sun-seekers!

Today, we’re delving into a topic that’s as essential as it is transformative: sunscreen. Yes, that’s right, we’re about to unlock the secret to eternal youth and vitality – and it all starts with a simple SPF-infused shield.

Picture this: you’re strolling along the sun-kissed streets, your skin aglow with the warmth of the day. Sounds idyllic, doesn’t it? But here’s the catch – those sunbeams, while delightful, can wreak havoc on your precious skin. UV rays penetrate deep, causing damage that goes beyond surface-level sunburn. Think premature aging, pesky wrinkles, and even the dreaded “C” word – yes, we’re talking about cancer.

Here is why sunscreen is going to be the one thing that will be a part of you, with you, and ready to protect you all summer long.

  1. Sunscreen: The Fountain of Youth: Ever wondered why some people seem to defy the aging process? Well, here’s the not-so-secret secret: sunscreen. Applying a broad-spectrum SPF daily not only shields your skin from harmful UV rays but also slows down the aging process. Say hello to fewer wrinkles, dark spots, and saggy skin – and hello to a radiant, youthful glow!
  2. Prevention is Key: Let’s face it – prevention is always better than a cure. Instead of battling the aftermath of sun damage, why not nip it in the bud? By incorporating sunscreen into your daily skincare routine, you’re taking proactive steps to protect your skin from the elements. Trust us, your future self will thank you.
  3. Year-Round Defense: Contrary to popular belief, sunscreen isn’t just for beach days and tropical getaways. UV rays are present year-round, even on cloudy days or during winter months. That’s why it’s crucial to make sunscreen a non-negotiable part of your daily regimen – rain or shine, summer or winter.
  4. Tips for Sun-Kissed Success: Now that you’re equipped with the power of sunscreen knowledge, here are some pro tips to maximize its effectiveness:
    • Choose Wisely: Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to ensure comprehensive protection against both UVA and UVB rays.
    • Apply Generously: Don’t be shy – slather on that sunscreen! Aim for a nickel-sized dollop for your face and a shot glass-sized amount for your body.
    • Reapply, Reapply, Reapply: Sunscreen isn’t a one-and-done deal. Remember to reapply every two hours, especially if you’re swimming or sweating profusely.
    • Cover All Bases: Don’t forget those oft-neglected areas like your ears, neck, and hands. They deserve protection too!
    • Embrace Shade: When possible, seek shade during peak sun hours (usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.) to minimize exposure.

So here is the rundown on sunscreen and why it’s your ticket to timeless beauty. Remember, a little SPF goes a long way in safeguarding your skin’s health and vitality. Now, go have some fun!

Get to Know Our Night Magic Serum with Retinoids

Our AM Skin Collection Night Magic Serum, created by our founder – Ashley McFarland. Incorporating a product like our Night Magic Serum with Retinoids into your routine can help support these natural processes, ensuring that your skin stays radiant, resilient, and youthful.

Picture this: you wake up, run your fingers over your face, and feel a surface that is smooth, supple, and bouncy. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it? For many, this dream can become reality with the magic of retinoids, a true powerhouse in the realm of skincare. Retinoids are not only acclaimed for their skin-transforming benefits, but they are also the star ingredient in our AM Skin Collection Night Magic Serum with Retinoids. Ready to transform your skin? Let’s start your journey to glowing, healthy skin with the magic of retinoids.

Demystifying Retinoids

Retinoids, derived from vitamin A, have stood the test of time in the world of dermatology and skincare, holding their own amongst an ever-evolving roster of ingredients. But what exactly are retinoids and why are they so impactful?

Retinoids are potent compounds that promote cell turnover and collagen production. In essence, they help your skin shed dead cells more efficiently and replace them with fresh, new cells. This promotes a smoother skin surface, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and can even help combat acne. Retinoids also help boost collagen, a protein that provides structural support to your skin. This leaves you with skin that’s not just glowing, but also firmer and more resilient.

How Do Retinoids Work?

Retinoids work on a deep, cellular level. They essentially “communicate” with your skin cells, sending signals to accelerate the growth of new cells while eliminating the old ones. Additionally, retinoids also hinder the breakdown of collagen, which is often responsible for the onset of visible aging signs. By ensuring the health and vitality of your skin’s cells and supporting collagen integrity, retinoids help keep your skin youthful and vibrant.

Why Try the AM Skin Collection Night Magic Serum?

If you’re ready to give retinoids a try, there’s no better way to start than with our AM Skin Collection Night Magic Serum. It’s a meticulously formulated serum that harnesses the power of retinoids, combined with other essential ingredients, to optimize their skin-rejuvenating benefits.

Our Night Magic Serum includes a retinoid that is gentle yet effective, making it suitable for those who are just starting to incorporate this powerful ingredient into their routine. We understand that every skin type is unique, and while retinoids have an array of benefits, they can also be potent. That’s why our Night Magic Serum includes calming and moisturizing ingredients to soothe and hydrate your skin.

The magic doesn’t stop there. Our serum also boasts antioxidants, which provide an additional layer of defense against environmental aggressors that contribute to aging. This synergistic blend of ingredients creates a powerful, yet balanced, formula that caters to a broad spectrum of skin types and concerns.

Taking Your Skin Health Seriously with the Night Magic Serum

Your skin is a living, breathing organ, and like the rest of your body, it deserves care and attention. As you age, your natural cell turnover and collagen production slow down. Incorporating a product like our Night Magic Serum into your routine can help support these natural processes, ensuring that your skin stays radiant, resilient, and youthful.

Remember, the path to healthy skin isn’t a sprint—it’s a marathon. Consistency is key when using retinoids. Over time, you’ll start to see a visible transformation in your skin’s texture, tone, and overall health.

Experience the magic of retinoids and our Night Magic Serum today and embark on your journey towards a more confident and glowing you. After all, there’s nothing more magical than feeling comfortable and beautiful in your own skin.

Summer Skincare Tips & Tricks

Get Ready for the Ultimate Summer Glow: Your Comprehensive Guide to Summer Skincare Tips

Hydration is Key:

Beat the summer heat by staying hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is essential to maintain optimal hydration for your skin. Additionally, use a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer to lock in moisture and prevent water loss, ensuring your skin remains supple and refreshed.

Sun Protection:

Protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is crucial to maintaining a youthful complexion. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, even on cloudy days. Remember to reapply every two hours and seek shade during peak sun hours for maximum protection.


Revitalize your skin by incorporating gentle exfoliation into your skincare routine. This process helps remove dead skin cells and promotes cell turnover, revealing a fresh and glowing complexion. Consider using a chemical exfoliant or a gentle physical scrub, but avoid excessive scrubbing that could irritate your skin.

Antioxidant Serums:

Boost your skin’s defense against environmental damage by incorporating antioxidant-rich serums into your routine. Look for products containing vitamins C and E or other potent antioxidants to combat free radicals and promote a radiant complexion.

Lightweight Moisturizers:

Trade heavy creams for lightweight moisturizers during the summer months. Opt for gel-based or oil-free formulas that provide adequate hydration without weighing down your skin. This allows your skin to breathe and helps prevent breakouts.

Skincare Summer Lineup:


Choose lightweight moisturizers enriched with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides.


Consider incorporating chemical exfoliants such as glycolic acid or salicylic acid-based products.


Add an antioxidant serum to your routine for added protection against environmental stressors.


Invest in high-quality sunscreen with broad-spectrum protection.

One Last Note:

Embrace the summer season with confidence, radiance, and a rejuvenated complexion that truly shines. Achieving a gorgeous summer glow is a combination of effective skincare treatments, smart practices, and the right products. At Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we’re committed to helping you look and feel your best. Whether you choose rejuvenating treatments or follow essential skincare tips, let us guide you towards a summer full of confidence, vitality, and beautiful skin.

Ask AMA: Pregnancy-Safe Treatments and Products at Ashley McFarland Aesthetics

Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate the amazing women in your life than with a little self-care? At Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we believe that every mother deserves to feel pampered, especially during pregnancy. That’s why we’ve put together this blog to discuss some of our pregnancy-safe treatments and products that are perfect for any mother-to-be. 

Pregnancy can wreak havoc on the skin with issues such as, dryness, breakouts, and hyperpigmentation. It’s important to take care of your skin while you’re pregnant, and you can do that… but with the right direction and precaution. In this article, we will take a closer look at services we offer that are safe for you to do while you are carrying your little bundle of joy! 

Our favorite treatment during pregnancy

The Geneo Facial Machine’s Glo2Facial is specifically designed to address skin concerns of pregnancy using gentle, pregnancy-safe products to leave the skin looking and feeling its best. Plus, the added relaxation and pampering can be a much-needed break from the stresses of pregnancy.

Glo2Facial by Geneo is a new facial machine we have at Ashley McFarland Aesthetics!

Other options for treatments that can be done during pregnancy


Dermaplaning is a skincare technique that involves using a sterile surgical scalpel to remove the outermost layer of dead skin cells and peach fuzz from the face. It is a safe and non-invasive treatment that helps to smooth and brighten the skin’s appearance.

Is it safe for pregnancy?

Dermaplaning is considered safe for pregnant women. However, it is always best to consult with your healthcare provider before undergoing any cosmetic procedure during pregnancy.

Microneedling (with NO numbing cream)

Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that uses a device containing tiny needles to create small punctures in the skin. This process stimulates the skin’s natural healing process, which leads to the production of collagen and elastin. Microneedling is commonly used to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. 

Is it safe for pregnancy?

Microneedling is a treatment that you can do to your skin while you’re pregnant, and it offers great benefits to your skin. However, it is always best to consult with your healthcare provider before undergoing any cosmetic procedure during pregnancy.

Glow and Go (Illuminize Peel)

The Illuminize Peel is a gentle chemical peel that exfoliates the skin, leaving it brighter and smoother. It is commonly used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone.

Is it safe for pregnancy? 

Our Illuminize Peel is safe for pregnant women, but you must have an OBGYN approval before we give you the treatment. It is always best to consult with your healthcare provider before undergoing any cosmetic procedure during pregnancy.

Diamond Glow Facial (with HA5 serum only)

The Diamond Glow Facial is a non-invasive skin resurfacing treatment that uses a diamond-tipped wand to exfoliate the skin. The treatment is designed to improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and even out skin tone.

Is it safe for pregnancy?

The Diamond Glow Facial is generally considered safe for pregnant women when using the HA 5 serum only. However, as with any cosmetic procedure, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider before undergoing treatment.

Below are some pregnancy-safe products that you can use during your pregnancy.

ZO Gentle Cleanser

This cleanser is a soap-free, gentle cleanser that effectively removes dirt, oil, and makeup without stripping the skin of its natural oils. It is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

ZO Exfoliating Polish

This polish gently exfoliates the skin, removing dead skin cells and promoting cell renewal. It contains microbeads that are gentle on the skin and do not cause any irritation.

ZO Complexion Pads

These pads are pre-soaked with a solution that helps to exfoliate the skin, remove excess oil, and reduce the appearance of pores. They contain salicylic acid and glycolic acid, which are safe for use during pregnancy, but it is required to get your OBGYN’s approval before you use this product.

ZO Growth Factor Eye Serum

This serum helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles around the eyes. It contains growth factors that promote cell renewal and collagen production.

ZO Firming Serum

This serum contains peptides and antioxidants that help to firm and tighten the skin. It also contains hyaluronic acid, which helps to hydrate the skin.

ZO Illuminating AOX Serum

This antioxidant serum contains vitamins C and E, which help to protect the skin from free radical damage. It also contains green tea extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

SkinMedica HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator

This hyaluronic acid serum helps to hydrate the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used during pregnancy.

SkinMedica Lytera Pigment Correcting Serum

This skin brightening complex helps to reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation. It contains vitamin C and niacinamide, which are safe for use during 

Obagi Vitamin C Serum

This serum contains vitamin C, which helps to brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is suitable for all skin types and can be used during pregnancy.

Obagi Elastiderm Eye Cream

This eye cream helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. It contains bi-mineral complex and malonic acid, which help to promote the production of collagen and elastin.

Elta MD Sunscreen

This lightweight, non-greasy sunscreen is perfect for daily use, providing both UVA and UVB protection without any harsh chemicals.

Always double-check the ingredients and consult with your doctor before using any skin care products. Additionally, it is important to do a patch test before using a new product to ensure that it does not cause any allergic reactions or irritation.

Ashley McFarland Aesthetics, we believe that every mother deserves to feel pampered and cared for, especially during pregnancy. From pregnancy-safe skincare products to hydrating facials, we offer a range of treatments and products that are perfect for expectant mothers. So this Mother’s Day, why not treat the mothers (and mothers-to-be) in your life to a little self-care and pampering? They deserve it!

Which ZO Skin Health System is right for you?

The Low Down

We know that starting a skin care routine can be overwhelming! Our goal at Ashley McFarland Aesthetics is to make skin care simple by targeting specific skin concerns and addressing them. The first step to having healthy, glowing skin using quality, medical grade products at home. By doing such, you are able to enhance your in-office procedures and protect your most important investment – your skin!

With that being said, it is safe to say that our office loves ZO Skin Health products! One of the many great qualities of ZO Skin Health is there is a skin care system to address almost all skin concerns and problems. Each system can be customized to patient specific needs and achieve results quickly and affordably!

ZO’s Daily Skin Care Program

image of ZO Skin Health Daily Skin Care Program

A must-have for ANY skin type. Included in the program are the Exfoliating Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Renewal Pads and Daily Power Defense.  

Benefits include: 

+ Helping to preserve and maintain a more youthful- looking complexion

+ Improves and maintain the appearance of even skin tone and finer pores

+  Keeps skin hydrated

Especially Ideal for: Any skin type/condition

This is the foundation of ALL ZO Skin Health Systems as preventative or treatment. 

ZO’s Anti-aging Program

image of ZO Skin Health Anti Aging program

The perfect way to start taking care of aging skin. Whether 25 or 75, you can benefit from the products within this program. The products included are Exfoliating Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Renewal Pads, Daily Power Defense and Growth Factor Serum.

Benefits include:

+ Helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

+ Promote a more even-looking skin tone and finer pore appearance

+ Preserves and maintains a more youthful-looking complexion

Especially Ideal for: Premature or active signs of aging. 

ZO’s Skin Normalizing System

image of ZO skin health skin normalizing system

The ZO Skin Normalizing System is a complete selection of products for red, sensitized skin. This is a system fabulous for active rosacea or those whose skin is reactive and inflamed. This system features Rozatrol, a multi-modal treatment that relieves the visible symptoms known to be associated with rosacea. Products included in this kit include a Gentle Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Oil Control Pads, Daily Power Defense and Rozatrol. 

Benefits include:

+ Helps to restore skin to a more radiant appearance

+ Provides mild exfoliation to help smooth skin texture and even skin tone

+ Minimizes the appearance and feel of inflammation

+ Helps replenish hydration and supports a healthy skin barrier function

Especially Ideal for: Sensitive skin, red skin and Rosacea.

ZO’s Brightening Program

Image of ZO skin Health brightening program

The perfect system for those with sensitive skin that suffer from dark spots, dull skin or premature aging. This multi-product, skin therapy system helps aid in visible treatment of hyperpigmentation without the use of hydroquinone and retinol. Included are Zo’s Gentle Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Pads, Daily Power Defense and Brightalive.

Benefits include:

+ Improving the appearance of hyperpigmentation when hydroquinone treatment is completed or contraindicated, or as maintenance

+ Ideal for non-specific visible discoloration (freckles or uneven tone)

+ For use when skin brightening is desired

+ Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles

Especially Ideal for: Skin with sunspots, dull skin, aging skin.

ZO’s Pigment Control Program

image of zo skin health pigment control program

An all-encompassing system formulated to help treat hyperpigmentation, severe texture damage, sun damage and general skin health restoration.

Included in this program are ZO’s Gentle Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Pads, Daily Power Defense, Pigment Control Crème, as well as Pigment Control + Blending Crème. 

Benefits Include:

+ Treats moderate to severe hyperpigmentation, especially melasma

+ Treats severely dry, dull, rough and leathery textured skin to help restore a smooth, healthy glow

+ Great to use as pre/post procedure skin conditioning to help maintain results longer

+ Helps improve overall appearance and quality of skin

Especially Ideal for: Textured skin, sun damaged skin, melasma.

ZO’s Complexion Clearing Program

image of zo skin health complexion clearing program

Suffering from oily skin? Stubborn acne? Look no further than ZO’s Complexion Clearing Program. This is a comprehensive program designed to minimize excess surface oil, unclog and purify pores and reduces the appearance of irritated skin, eliminating current and preventing future breakouts.

Included in this program are ZO’s Exfoliating Cleanser, Exfoliating Polish, Complexion Pads, and Complexion Clearing Masque. 

Benefits Include:

+ Reduces excess surface sebum

+ Exfoliates skin cells to help unclog pores

+ Tightens pores

Especially Ideal for: Oily and acne prone skin. 

Think you have decided which ZO Skin Health system is perfect for you? Contact us to get yours today!